Monday, July 25, 2011

So today I took my daughter to the psychiatrist for a follow up on her ADHD Meds. Obviously with this guy being a psychiatrist and all he surely is observant of other people. Me. He thinks I may have an adult form of ADD. I have suspected this for a while but have never thought it would be taken seriously by a doctor. I do admit to me OCD I am fanatic about having clean countertops, I must have my rooms in the house lit a certain way, when I make beds they must have no wrinkles in them including the sheets, and I also cook to perfection without ever enjoying the things I cook. They just don't taste like they would if someone else made them. I think we established yesterday that I hasve some serious anxiety issues so that cat is out of the bag. I have my first appt. With the psych dr. On august 10th so we will see how he officially diagnoses me. I don't feel like I have anything to report from my past like most people do. I have no extensive history. I am not conniving, evil, or crude. I am truly a "what you see is what you get" type person. I feel like the doctor may try to fish things out of me but it will be a very unsuccessful fishing trip for him if he does! So back to the adult ADD, it makes sense because when I am reading all of my nursing books, I can read an entire chapter and remember nothing! And like yesterday's post, that is not good for any future patient of mine! Until next time....

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the doc appt. If it makes you feel any better, I've dealt with a lot of anxiety regarding being a nurse(crazy what it does to us, huh?) but hang in there. Right now focus on school, and once you are out, then you do the real learning. When you have your first day of work you will feel like you know absolutely nothing, that's normal. You're just getting in shape for handling all sorts of stress! I know I don't know you, but I assure you: YOU ARE NURSING MATERIAL!!! Believe in yourself!!
