Thursday, September 8, 2011

Made it through 4 weeks...

So...I passed my skills assessment for safe entry/safe exit, BP, lymph nodes, oral mucosa, radial pulse, and respiration counts. It was fairly easy but so nerve racking. I hate talking to these stupid dummies. Then, I get so nervous that I stumble over my words like a lunatic. A funny story to share...while doing the dummy's apical pulse, I could not locate the sound of the heartbeat! I thought I was going to puke. I kept telling my instructor who was grading my performance that the dummy must be powered off. He looked at me all confused and then came over and twisted the tubing on my Littmann! I was so embarrassed. He did well at assuring me that I had no reason to be nervous; that he had been in my position at one time as well!! I think technically I should have failed. Also, the day before when I was testing for my safe entry, I forgot to "pull the curtain for privacy". That should have failed me. My instructor let me pass. It was my partner that told me what I had missed.

So next week I am testing on health assessment for general survey, health history, and HEENT. I am studying my PowerPoint slides and my NCLEX book for that one. The tests seem pretty straight forward. You basically have to eliminate answers, as with any multiple choice exam. They are set up like the NCLEX ((I suppose, as I have never taken it I have assured myself that I can do this. I just need to breathe deeply and take one question at a time.

This week has been much less stressful than last. I think I am finally getting all of my ducks in a row as far as routine goes. I have not been able to watch any TV, which is fine, but I have been watching my Big Brother shows because they are a family favorite. It is the only show where the whole family sits down to cheer on their favorite players!!

Tuesday I have my foley catheter lab test. I am so nervous about that one. I have to maintain my sterile field and it is nerve racking. Maybe this time I can remember to pull that curtain!!

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