Tuesday, September 27, 2011

"Pre" Assesssment of my first clinical day

So tomorrow at 0700 is the day I have been working for for over three years now. Yes, tomorrow my hard work and dedication is going to begin with the placement of a bedpan under someone's bum. For My first clinical day I thought it would be fun to make some predictions... A Pre-assessment of sorts. I have dreaded this day for 7 weeks now, mainly because I do not know what to expect. Here are my predictions:

1. I will be on time to my clinical site. (Not a bad prediction at all!)
2. I will change my first adult brief. (I must do it to get over the fear!)
3. I better not have to do a Foley on the first day!
4. I will be assigned to my client who is angry and combative, and male.
5. I will palpate some lymph nodes, read some charts, and hopefully fly under my instructor's radar!
6. I will survive the day. I can do this!! I have so much to learn!!

Today we were given all of our clinical documents. This is a major pile of work added onto our already high workload. It consists of patient data sheets, nursing diagnoses sheets, more patient sheets and then another patient data sheet that has to be turned into the university. Luckily, because I have a vast amount of experience with medical records, filling out all this paperwork will not be too time consuming. We also have to list all the daily Meds and ony the PRN Meds that the client actually takes. Because they are in a nursing home they have a huge list of PRN Meds. I have some major organizing to do after clinical tomorrow. I have a test Monday over something (can't remember what) and I must start preparing. Dr. Abrasive will have lots of questions on there. She is fierce!

Post assessment tomorrow!!

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