Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wow, I'm BACK!!

I thought it was time to update.  I have been putting it off for 9 days it seems.  Going this long without posting gives me many things to update on!  I will make a list and expand from there.

I had my sutures removed from the first biopsy, and last Friday January 6 I had an Ultrasound Needle Guided Biopsy.  It was no JOKE!  I went in thinking that it would be a simple needle needle stick (hence the term "fine needle aspiration) but it ended up being much more invasive.  For over an hour I was repeatedly stabbed with this "rod" jabbing in and out.  Over and over again.  At one point my local anesthesia had worn off and I felt some pain.  The doctor administered the local once again and I was fine. They were able to retrieve three good tissue samples for pathology.  I think the instrument they used was called a "core needle".  It was a loud, obnoxious tool.  Once in place it made a wretched clamping noise as it bit down on my tissue.  It hurt my feelings more than anything.  So, in summary, I had a 3 sutures complete with steri-strips, a mammogram immediately followed, and then I visited the lobby and filled out comment cards for Dr. No Bedside Manners.  I had nothing positive to say about him.  And in my current condition I didn't have many positive things to say about anything!  I still have bruising and soreness and can only sleep on my right side.

The results for that biopsy should be back tomorrow, January 13.  I also have an appointment with a dermatologist at 1540.  That should be interesting.  I'm pretty sure he doesn't get to see the likes of people like me all the time.  He should have a good day!  :-)

Monday was the first day back in nursing school.  It is now Thursday and I still feel like I am on Christmas Break.  I am totally not into it.  I could care less.  I guess I need to get past these Fluids and Electrolyte chapters and then I will be truly happy.  On a positive note, we started initiating IV's, intramuscular injections, SubQ injections, and hanging IV's with IV piggybacks this week.  I soaked the floor.  I really need practice.  That's tomorrow!

I was talking to a Psychologist early this week.  This is totally off the subject, but we were discussing why men and women cheat.  He says that men cheat because they can.  Women cheat because they are deeply hurt and are essentially signaling through infidelity that they want out of the relationship.   I thought that was pretty interesting.  Makes sense actually.

So I must sign off for now...I will post TOMORROW with biopsy results and details from the dermatology visit.


  1. Positive thoughts for Today!

    I think women cheat because they feel neglected more than anything. I think he's right about the man part. :-)

  2. Good job keeping a positive attitude, Melissa! Oh and with your IV tubing here's a hint to not leak everywhere: Always clamp first!!! That way you are in control. But don't worry, I still drip everywhere sometimes!

  3. I would feel the same way when I would come back from Christmas break. I am sure you will get back into the groove of things in no time.

    I hope you are doing well. Been thinking about you and sending prayers.
